Awards and Contests

2020 DCON Awards and Contests Update

Congratulations to our 2019-2020 winners of awards and scholarships. Click here to see the summary listing. 

Since DCON was cancelled due to the Coronavirus, regretfully, we did not have any DCON contests application submissions (scrapbook, posters, tshirts,etc.) or online YouTube auditions.

We understand the disappointment felt by the cancellation of DCON but do not let this current situation take away from the countless ways we have impacted not only our local communities, but the world throughout the year.

As Past Governor Stara D’Haiti said, DCON or not, the magic of your service will persist and positively impact your homes, schools, and communities. Legacy is timeless and your Timeless Tales of Service will be celebrated no matter the circumstance.

Stay healthy and safe, follow CDC sanitization guidelines, and we are looking forward to communicating with you all soon.

Thank you.

Why Are Awards and Contests Important?

Recognition of self and others

Validation of service to community

Motivate others to serve

Influence others positively

An award is not only a great prestige or a mark of excellence but is also a tremendous boost for someone to strive and excel higher and aim for even bigger accomplishments in life. It is the ultimate token of recognition of purest of talents and highest of achievements. -Anonymous


o To see a summary of the 2019-2020 winners of awards, contests, and scholarships, click here.
o For a printable brief description of all of this year’s awards and contests, click here.
o For a printable PDF version of all the Google form applications of this year’s awards and contests, click here.

o For a copy of the definition of a Key Club service hour, click here.

o Pictures of the 2019 contest submissions can be found here.


  • Acceptance of submissions of applications for the various Florida District awards and contests will begin February 15, 2020
  • This ensures only Key Clubs that have been verified of paying their dues will be able to submit an application.
  • A list of all dues paying clubs will be provided in each application.
  • An applicant will select their club from the list, then the application will be populated with their Key Club ID number, division number and Zone. 
  • Members’ first and last name and club position must be typed as found on the Membership Update Center (MUC) form sent to Key Club International with your club’s dues payment.
  • Ensure your Officer’s Information Form (OIF) is updated and matches MUC information.
  • Following these instructions will avoid disqualification of clubs or members based on dues payment and/or improper identification; which will help streamline the judging process for the Awards Committee.
  • If you have any questions about any awards or contests, please contact Awards Committee Chair at


  • All applications must be completed on the Google Form.
  • You need to own a Google account.
  • If you do not own a Google account, you will be prompted to create one; without any fees. 
  • Be sure to carefully read and follow all instructions that accompany each application in order to avoid disqualification.
  • Submit only one application per club.
  • The applications must be completed in one sitting because your progress WILL NOT be saved. 
  • Therefore, have all the required information available before you start to complete each application.
  • You will receive a copy of your application submission. 
  • Be sure to keep this copy for your records. 
  • Check your SPAM folder if not received.

Important Dates

January 20, 2020 2019-2020 Applications Available for Review. (Click here for list of applications.)
February 15, 2020 Online Submissions Opens.
March 5, 2020, 11:59 PM EST February Pride Report Deadline. (Any updates to previously submitted reports also due.)
March 7, 2020, 11:59 PM EST Pre-DCON Awards Submission Deadline. (Click here for list of applications.)
March 28, 2020, 11:59 PM EST Online Oratory Contest YouTube Auditions Submission Deadline
March 28, 2020 11:59 PM EST Online Talent Contest YouTube Auditions Submission Deadline
March 31, 2020  Notification of  Contestants for Live Audition at DCON
April  2, 2020 7:00 PM  DCON Contests Submission Deadline. (Click here for list of applications)

Pre-DCON Awards

Deadline: March 7, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST. (The Awards and Contests Committee is no longer accepting applications.)

Submission Instructions

  • The applications must be completed in one sitting because your progress WILL NOT be saved.
  • Have all the required information available before you start to complete each application.
  • Letters of recommendations must be:
    a. Signed,
    b. Scanned as PDF file,
    c. Note: Pictures of recommendation letters will not be accepted.
    d. Uploaded to Google Form application.
  • Submit only one application per club.
    • You will receive a copy of your application submission. 
    • Be sure to keep this copy for your records.   
  • Check SPAM if not received.

Club Awards

[su_spoiler title=”Descriptions” style=”fancy” open=”no”]


[su_spoiler title=”Every Child a Swimmer”]

Every Child A Swimmer award recognizes clubs that best exemplify the goals of Every Child A Swimmer (ECAS) program. ECAS is a special program of Kiwanis International, Key Club International, and Circle K International for elementary schools. Its objective is to make every child a swimmer and/or trained in water safety.


[su_spoiler title=”Governor’s Project Banner Patch”]

Governor’s Project Club Banner Patch is awarded to any club that completes at least three projects throughout the Key Club year that reflect the Governor’s Project, and recorded in the online Monthly Pride Reports from March through February. Each project may be completed on a single day or on multiple days.


[su_spoiler title=”Kiwanis Family Involvement”]

The Kiwanis Family Involvement Award recognizes the clubs that expressed the greatest amount of involvement with the Kiwanis Family including K-Kids, Builders Clubs, Aktion Clubs, CKI Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs, and Key Leader. Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within the four membership categories. To receive the Kiwanis Family Involvement Award, the club must complete at least three service projects throughout the current Key Club administrative year with any one of the following clubs of the Kiwanis Family: Sponsoring and/or another Kiwanis Club, CKI Club, Aktion Club, Builders Club, or K Kids. Each project must include at least five Key Club members and must also include at least three members from a Kiwanis Family Club. Also required is a written paragraph of 500 words or less, describing how your Key Club demonstrates a close relationship with the Kiwanis Family.


[su_spoiler title=”Major Emphasis”]

Major Emphasis Award is given to the Key Club which, through its unselfish efforts, has produced during the year the best Major Emphasis Project. Clubs may submit one Major Emphasis Involvement Report for judging. The activity described can cover any phase of Key Club Major Emphasis involvement specifically highlighting personal development and social interaction of children, for example with preferred charities UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network. The Major Emphasis Award is an international award that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entry qualifying to compete at International Convention.


[su_spoiler title=”Single Service Award”]

Single Service Award provides recognition to individual Key Clubs for their single best service project. Clubs may submit one Single Service Award Report for judging. The Single Service Award is an international award that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entries (one in each of four club size categories) qualifying to compete at International Convention.




Every Child a Swimmer
Governor’s Project Banner Patch
Kiwanis Family Involvement
Major Emphasis
Single Service Award

Key Club Annual Achievement Report (AAR)

Each Key Club is required to complete and submit the Key Club Annual Achievement Report (AAR) and the AAR Google Form application to the Florida District for judging of the following awards: Distinguished Club, Distinguished Club‐Diamond Level, and Malcolm K. Lewis Key Club of the Year.

Please follow the instructions below to ensure your Annual Achievement Report application is submitted correctly:

  1. Review the AAR Guidelines before your start the AAR Google Form application
  2. Download the Key Club Annual Achievement Report, complete it, then save it as a PDF document for upload to the AAR Google Form
  3. Complete and submit the AAR Google Form to


[su_spoiler title=”Descriptions” style=”fancy” open=”no”]


[su_spoiler title=”Distinguished Club and Distinguished Club – Diamond Level”]

Distinguished Club and Distinguished Club Diamond Level provides recognition to individual Key Clubs for their overall performance in the combined areas of club administration, membership and leadership development, Kiwanis Family involvement, service, and fundraising as judged against a pre-established standard of excellence. Entries are made by completing the Key Club Annual Achievement Report and are judged based upon achieving a predetermined score in the Club Annual Achievement Report. Clubs earning a higher score as determined by the Key Club International Board will determine which clubs qualify for Distinguished Club Diamond Level. Only activities which occurred during the District administrative year and included on the monthly Pride Reports may be included on the report. Disqualification of the Club Achievement Report shall also constitute disqualification from the Distinguished Club and Distinguished Club Diamond Level Awards, in addition to the Club of the Year Award.


[su_spoiler title=”Malcolm K. Lewis Key Club of the Year”]

Malcolm K. Lewis Key Club of the Year recognizes the best club in the District for their overall performance based on several factors, but not limiting to those such as club administration, membership and leadership development, Kiwanis Family involvement, service, fundraising, and attendance at DCON. Submission of the Key Club Annual Achievement Application is required. The Key Club that has the largest point total will be named Key Club of the Year. In case of a tie, the Key Club with the larger average number of service hours per member and/or other criteria determined by the Awards Committee will be selected as Key Club of the Year.





Individual Awards

[su_spoiler title=”Descriptions” style=”fancy” open=”no”]


[su_spoiler title=”Distinguished Class Director”]

Distinguish Class Director exhibits the following qualities: supportive of other board members; places Key Club as a top priority; encourages other club members; is accessible to club members; participates in club service projects; ensures Key Club is respected on school campus and in the community; ensures that the class is well represented at each meeting; inclusive of club members; respects all persons; and maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. Each class director must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required
recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each clubs may submit only one director per class.


[su_spoiler title=”Distinguished Club Editor”]

Distinguish Club Editor exhibits the following qualities: exhibits constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a
top priority; encourages other club members; is accessible to club members; participates in club service projects; ensures Key Club is respected on school campus and in the community; builds positive working relationships with Faculty Advisor and school staff; maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. The club editor must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each club may submit only one candidate.


[su_spoiler title=”Distinguished Club Member”]

Distinguished Club Member recognizes club members who the Faculty Advisor believes truly model the Key Club Motto. The Florida District Board designed the criteria for the Distinguished Club Member Award to give Faculty Advisors maximum latitude in recognizing members. Each member must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award.


[su_spoiler title=”Distinguished Club Secretary”]

Distinguished Club Secretary exhibits the following qualities: exhibits constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a top priority; maintains accurate account of member’s service hours; takes minutes of Board meetings and makes them accessible to members and advisors; is accessible to club members and respects all members; actively participates in club service projects; meets deadlines; supports the president in his/her district responsibilities; maintains academic good standing; and model student code of conduct. The club secretary must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each club may submit only one candidate.


[su_spoiler title=”Distinguished Club Treasurer”]

Distinguished Club Treasurer exhibits the following qualities: exhibits constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a top priority; supports other club officers; actively participates in club service projects; recognizes significance of fundraising for the Governor’s Project; encourages and works with fundraising committee; attends and participates in all club fundraisers; respects all persons; maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. Each club treasurer must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each club may submit only one candidate.


[su_spoiler title=”Distinguished Club Vice-President”]

Distinguished Club Vice President exhibits the following qualities: exhibits constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a top priority; could be president; supports the Club President; actively participates in club service projects; works to raise awareness of the Major Emphasis Project (MEP) and Governor’s Project; encourages all committees; respects all persons; maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. Each club vice president must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each club may submit only one candidate.


[su_spoiler title=”Distinguished Club President and G. Harold Martin Outstanding Club President”]

Distinguished Club President and G. Harold Martin Outstanding Club President (Combined Application) exhibit the following qualities: constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a top priority; encourages other club members; is accessible to club members; participates in club service projects; ensures Key Club is respected on school campus and in the community; builds positive working relationships with Faculty Advisor, school administrator, faculty; respects all persons; and maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. The club president must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. The second part of the application focuses on the G. Harold Martin Outstanding Club President which is given to the top five club presidents who meet all criteria for the G. Harold Martin Outstanding Club President Award. The president judged to be the most outstanding of the five will also receive a $1000 college scholarship provided by the Kiwanis Club of Brooksville. Each club may submit only one candidate.


[su_spoiler title=”Distinguished Club Webmaster”]

Distinguished Club Webmaster exhibits the following qualities: exhibits constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a top priority; encourages other club members; is accessible to club members; participates in club service projects; ensures Key Club is respected on school campus and in the community; builds positive working relationships with Faculty Advisor and school staff; maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. Each club webmaster must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each club may submit only one candidate.


[su_spoiler title=”Key Clubber of the Year”]

Key Clubber of the Year is presented to the member who goes above and beyond what a Key Clubber’s call to service is. This member works with their club, their divisions, and their Kiwanis Family, and the member truly demonstrates a passion for service. Only one Key Clubber, regardless of club level position (member to president) may receive this award. A student member of the Florida District Key Club Board must endorse the nominee. The nomination for this award may be disclosed to the nominee prior to announcing the winner at DCON.


[su_spoiler title=”Governor’s Project Member”]

Governor’s Project Member Award is awarded to a Key Club member who records at least 25 hours of service directly
related to the Governor’s Project and be recommended by his/her advisor.




Advisor & Sponsor Awards

[su_spoiler title=”Descriptions” style=”fancy” open=”no”]


[su_spoiler title=”Jack Gander Outstanding Key Club Faculty Advisor”]

Jack Gander Outstanding Key Club Faculty Advisor is presented to the Faculty Advisor who best demonstrates the qualities of an outstanding Faculty Advisor. Only one Faculty Advisor annually receives this award. The nomination for this award should not be disclosed to the nominee prior to announcing the winner.


[su_spoiler title=”J. Walker Field Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor”]

J. Walker Field Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor is presented to the Kiwanis Advisor who best demonstrates what it means to be an outstanding Kiwanis Advisor. Only one Kiwanis advisor annually receives this award. The nomination for this award should not be disclosed to the nominee prior to announcing the winner.


[su_spoiler title=”Robert W. Thal Outstanding Sponsoring Kiwanis Club”]

Robert W. Thal Outstanding Sponsoring Kiwanis Club is presented to the Kiwanis Club that best demonstrates a positive on-going relationship with the Key Club(s) it sponsors. The nomination for this award should be done by Key Club members and should not be disclosed to any member of the club being nominated prior to announcing the winner.


[su_spoiler title=”Florida District Key of Honor”]

The Florida District Key of Honor is awarded to individuals who have made a major contribution to Key Club in Florida and over a number of years. It may be given to any adult who meets the criteria. Generally it is given to only one person each year.


[su_spoiler title=”G. Harold Martin Fellowship”]

The G. Harold Martin Fellowship is awarded to individuals who have made unselfish dedication and commitment to Key Club. Their time, efforts, and financial resources have helped provide a quality Key Club experience for students. Nominees may include parents, Faculty Advisors, Kiwanis Advisors, Key Club District officers, Kiwanis Club presidents, and Kiwanis Key Club Committee Members. Up to four are awarded, and a recipient may not receive the award more than once.




DCON Contests

Deadline: April 2, 2020 by 7:00 PM EST (Please note earlier submission time.)

Submission Instructions

  •  Carefully read and follow all instructions that accompany each application in order to avoid disqualification.
  • Click on the specific contest to see instructions, guidelines, and criteria.
  • The club poster, video and year-in-review scrapbook contests are Key Club International Contests, so they also require the completion and upload of the Key Club  International  Entry Form to the Google Application.
    •  Download the postervideo or scrapbook Key Club International Entry Form, complete it (typed), print it, and then obtain all the required signatures.
    • Scan/save it as a PDF document and then upload it to the applicable contest Google application, for submission.
    • Attached the original Key Club International Entry Form to the poster, video or scrapbook.
  • The Google applications must be completed in one sitting because your progress WILL NOT be saved.
  • Have all the required information available before you start to complete each application.
  •  Submit only ONE application per club, per contest.
  • You will receive a copy of your Google application submission. Check SPAM if not received.
  • Hand-deliver the contest entries to the Awards Room at DCON by 7:00 PM on Thursday, April 2, 2020.
  • Do NOT leave contest entries at the DCON Registration Desk; it will not be considered submitted.
  • If your club is arriving late, please make plans to have the entry delivered on time.
  •  Contest entries may be picked up after judging on Saturday.
  • All entry items must be picked-up by 10:00 AM on Sunday.
  •  Any item not picked up will be discarded.

[su_spoiler title=”Descriptions” style=”fancy” open=”no”]


[su_spoiler title=”Club T-Shirt”]

Club T-Shirt provides recognition to the clubs judged to have submitted the best club t-shirts. The t-shirt must display an original and current design that has been used to promote Key Club. Clubs may submit one t-shirt (in cotton and/or polyester fabric) which must be clean and unused.


[su_spoiler title=”Oratory”]

Oratorical Contest recognizes Key Club members for excellence in public speaking. Each orator must speak on the topic chosen by Key Club International for that year and will be allowed a maximum of five minutes for his/her presentation. All acts will be required to demonstrate their ability in a preliminary audition via YouTube video submission in March and a second audition onsite at DCON. The Oratorical Contest is also an international contest that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entry qualifying to compete at International Convention.


[su_spoiler title=”Club Poster (Non-Digital and Digital)”]

Club Poster (Non-Digital and Digital) provides recognition to Key Clubs that best demonstrate the values of our organization via a poster. Clubs may submit one digital or non-digital poster for judging. The poster must display an original and current design that could be used to promote Key Club. The poster should be designed to recruit new members and should not bear the name of any school/club, community, or district. The Club Poster Contest is an international contest that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entry qualifying to compete at International Convention.


[su_spoiler title=”Club Project Display”]

Club Project Display provides recognition to clubs judged to have submitted the best project display boards of a favorite or most significant project completed during the Key Club year by the members of the Key Club. One board per club may be submitted.


[su_spoiler title=”Club Video”]

Club Video Contest provides recognition to Key Clubs that best demonstrate the values of our organization via a video. Clubs may submit one video for judging. The Club Video Contest is an international contest that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entry qualifying to compete at International Convention.


[su_spoiler title=”Talent”]

Talent Contest is for any Individual member or a group from the same club who may compete in a talent competition at DCON. Each club may participate in only one act. The time limit on each performance may not exceed six minutes. All acts will be required to demonstrate their ability and entertainment appeal in a preliminary audition via YouTube video submission in March and a second audition onsite at DCON. The Talent Contest is also an international contest that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entry qualifying to compete at International Convention.


[su_spoiler title=”Year in Review: Scrapbook”]

Year In Review (Scrapbook) Contest provides recognition to the Key Clubs that best demonstrate the values of our organization via a scrapbook. Clubs in good standing may submit one year in review traditional scrapbook or non-traditional scrapbook for judging. The scrapbook may contain pictures, souvenirs, examples, newspaper clippings, etc., of activities completed during the district administrative year. The Scrapbook Contest is also an international contest that must first be judged by the District with both the first and second place winning entries qualifying to compete at International Convention.



Club T-Shirt
Club Poster (Non-Digital and Digital)
Club Project Display


Club Video
Year in Review: Scrapbook


2020 Oratory Topic

Our diversity of heritage, personality, and leadership contributes to the beautiful culture of Key Club. How have the unique qualities of our truly international organization shaped your impact on your community?


Online Oratory YouTube Auditions: March 28, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST
Online Talent YouTube Auditions: March 28, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST

  1. Oratory and talent contestants require a video submission via YouTube.
  2. Instructions on how to create a YouTube Video, ‘Private the Video ‘and how to share the URL (Universal Resource Locator) are provided within the Google Form application.
  3. On March 31, 2020, oratory and talent contestants will be notified whether or not they will have a live audition at DCON on Friday, April 3, 2020.
  4. Print and hand-deliver your Google form application and live audition notification to the Awards Room at DCON by 7:00 PM on Thursday, April 2, 2020.

Non-Application Awards

These awards are entered automatically generally based on Pride Reports submitted during the year and do not require a formal application or entry form. Click the Non-Application link for the guidelines on the list below.

[su_spoiler title=”Descriptions” style=”fancy” open=”no”]


[su_spoiler title=”Club Membership Growth”]

 The Club Membership Growth program shall provide recognition to individual Key Clubs for exhibiting outstanding club
membership growth in a single year.
 A qualifying club shall be defined as a Key Club in good standing for at least two years, with at least 15 members.
 Clubs must increase their membership from the 2018-2019 to 2019-2020 Key Club year by at least 10% by February 1, 2020.
 Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within four membership categories based upon membership from the
previous year: Bronze, being 35 members or less; Silver, being 36 to 60 members; Gold, being 61 to 85 members, and
Platinum, being 86 members or more.
 Clubs that increase their membership by at least 10% will receive a certificate.
 Additionally, the top three clubs in each size category will receive a patch.


[su_spoiler title=”Early Bird Dues”]

 Every club in good standing that made their first dues payment by November 15, 2019 will receive an Early Bird Banner
Patch from Key Club International.
 This recognition is determined solely by Key Club International.


[su_spoiler title=”Florida Key Club Endowment Fund Award”]

 The District will recognize clubs with the greatest amount of money collected from all sources for The Florida Key Club
Endowment Fund.
 Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within the four membership categories.


[su_spoiler title=”Governor’s Citation”]

 If a club records at least 30 hours of service per member (calculated by dividing the club’s total service hours by the
number of members in the club) the club will receive the Governor’s Citation. The number of members in a club is
determined by the February dues report from Key Club International.
 Total service hours are determined by the hours recorded in the online March 2019 through February 2020 Monthly Pride
Reports received from April 1, 2019 through March 5, 2020.


[su_spoiler title=”Key Club Service”]

 The District will recognize clubs with the largest number of service hours per member.
 Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within the four membership categories.


[su_spoiler title=”Pride Report Submission”]

 The primary club secretaries with on time submissions of their March 2019 through February 2020 Pride Reports will receive
this award. The Pride Reports are usually due the 10th of each month. The February 2020 Pride Report is due March 5, 2020.


[su_spoiler title=”Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Fundraising”]

 Clubs that raise at least $250.00 via the Trick or Treat for UNICEF will receive a banner patch from Key Club International.
 Funds must be raised for Maternal Neonatal Tetanus/The Eliminate Project and correctly sent to Key Club International by
December 31.
 The Florida District will give additional recognition to Key Clubs that raised the most money for The Eliminate Project.




Judge Nomination

If you are interested in becoming a judge for the Florida District awards and contests, please complete contact the awards committee chair by April 2, 2020 at

Being a judge for District Conference requires much responsibility and thought. The whole Florida District will be relying on your input. As a judge, we will ask you to judge an award or contest and you will give us your feedback.



Contact the Awards and Contests Committee at