Endowment Awards & Recognition

Awards and Recognition for Donors to The Florida Key Club Endowment Fund

The Florida Key Club Endowment Fund will recognize donors at the District Education and Leadership Conference (DCON). There will be awards available for clubs, as well as awards for individual members. We hope that these awards will serve not only as a thank you to all who raised money for the Endowment Fund, but also as an incentive for clubs and members to contribute and fundraise.  Attendance at the conference is not required to receive awards and recognitions.

The Florida Key Club Endowment Fund Award

This award goes to clubs who have donated the most amount of money to the Endowment Fund per member. There are four levels for this award based on club size. Three clubs will be selected from each of the four levels:

Bronze Level: 35 members or less

Silver Level: 36 – 60 members

Gold Level: 61 – 85 members

Platinum Level: 86 members or more

How to Apply:

The Florida Key Club Endowment Fund Award application can be found on this page: www.floridakeyclub.org/awards-and-contests.  

Member Endowment Recognition

This award recognizes members who are credited with raising a certain amount of money for the Endowment Fund. Members are credited by the donor and will be recognized annually based on total funds received during the year.  No application is necessary. There are three levels for this award as described below.

Believer Level:  Member credited for at least $30.

Member will receive specially designed Florida Key Club Endowment Fund pin.

Supporter: Member credited for at least $50.

Member will receive a lanyard and a Florida Key Club Endowment fund pin.

Image Coming Soon

Visionary: Member credited for at least $75.

Member will receive the pin, lanyard, and a Florida Key Club Endowment Fund T-shirt.

How to Donate

In order to make sure a donation goes toward a particular club and/or member,  include the club name and, for individual recognition, the member’s name on the online form. A drop-down list allows you to select the club you want to credit your donation toward. To give credit for a member, the member’s name must be typed in after choosing the club.

Questions or comments?

Email us at endowment@floridakeyclub.org