
NOTE: All Scholarship deadlines have been extended until Wednesday, March 4, 11:59PM EST.

The Florida District of Key Club International scholarship recipients will be notified when their names are announced at the 2020 Florida District of Key Club Leadership and Education Conference. All scholarships will be provided as cash awards in the form of a check sent directly to the student in August.

The Scholarships Committee encourages that you join the Remind 101. Text @flkcsh to 81010.

Recipients of the 2020 Key Club Scholarships must complete and return this.

Who Is Qualified for the Scholarship Program?

A Key Club member who:

    • Has been an active Key Club member since 11th grade and is in good standing.
    • If applying for the Governor’s Project scholarship, completed volunteer work directed towards this project.
    • Has paid dues and appears on Key Club International’s Membership Report.
    • Is a graduating high school senior.
    • Is a college, university, technical, or vocational school-bound student.
    • Has a grade–point average of at least a “B” or the equivalent of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. (NOTE: This does not apply to the Perseverance Scholarship.)
      • If you have under a 3.0, consider applying for our Perseverance Scholarship
    • Has attached an official high school transcript.
    • Has attached an official document that explains the community service hours the applicant has received through Key Club.

Scholarship Information

The Florida Key Club Endowment Fund Scholarship

Description: This scholarship from the Florida Key Club Endowment Fund will be awarded to college-bound seniors who demonstrate the strongest qualifications per the general application essays and recommendations, as well having discovered the heart to serve, answered the call to lead, and accepted the courage to engage which defines Key Club service leadership.
Application Type:

General Application

•  Certification Document

Deadline: March 4, 2020
Amount Awarded: $2,000 per scholarship
Number Awarded:


The J. Walker Field Scholarship (Florida Kiwanis Foundation)

Description: This scholarship will be awarded to select graduating senior Key Club members who exemplify the spirit of Kiwanis through their service and prove to strengthen their community in the future. Applies only to colleges and universities within the Florida District.
Application Type: The Foundation provides its own application. Click here for more information and the application.
Deadline: March 4, 2020
Amount Awarded: $1,000 per scholarship
Number Awarded:


Governor’s Project Scholarship

Description: Governor’s Project Generation Green is an environmental-based initiative to promote the well-being of our planet through service, advocacy, and action.-
Application Type:

General Application

•  Certification Document

Deadline: March 4, 2020
Amount Awarded: $1,000
Number Awarded:


Malcolm Lewis Scholarship

Description: The Malcolm Lewis Scholarship for Leadership and Service is awarded to one person who embodies the ideals of Malcolm Lewis, the 1st Key Club International President
Application Type:

General Application

•  Certification Document

Deadline: March 4, 2020
Amount Awarded: $1,000
Number Awarded:


Perseverance Scholarship

Description: This scholarship is for a student who has persevered in their pursuit of service leadership despite facing challenging life events or circumstances. Examples of these challenges could include but are not limited to personal or family illness, increased personal responsibility for your family/sibling(s), close personal death, etc. This scholarship does not have a minimum grade-point average to apply.
Application Type:

General Application

•  Certification Document

Deadline: March 4, 2020
Amount Awarded: $2,000
Number Awarded:


Other Scholarships

Ellie Gander Scholarship

Description: This scholarship will be awarded to a member of Key Club in Division’s 1A or 1B of the Florida District of Key Club International. In addition, the scholarship will be awarded to college-bound seniors who demonstrate the strongest qualifications per the general application essays and recommendations, as well having discovered the heart to serve, answered the call to lead, and accepted the courage to engage which defines Key Club service leadership.
Application Type:

General Application

•  Certification Document

Deadline: March 4, 2020
Amount Awarded: $1,000
Number Awarded: 1

The “Mr. Jack” Gander Scholarship

Description: This scholarship will be awarded to a member of Key Club in Division 1A of the Florida District of Key Club International. This scholarship will be awarded to college-bound seniors who demonstrate the strongest qualifications per the general application essays and recommendations, as well having discovered the heart to serve, answered the call to lead, and accepted the courage to engage which defines Key Club service leadership.
Application Type:

General Application

•  Certification Document

Deadline: March 4, 2020
Amount Awarded: $2,000
Number Awarded:


Distinguished Club President and G. Harold Martin Outstanding Club President Scholarship

Description: This scholarship will be awarded to the one club president judged the most outstanding among all who meet the G. Harold Martin outstanding club president criteria. It is based solely on merit. Funding is provided by the Kiwanis Club of Brooksville.
Application Type: Must complete the G. Harold Martin Outstanding Club President Award application.
Deadline: March 7, 2020
Amount Awarded: $1,000
Number Awarded:


Key Clubber of the Year

Description: Key Clubber of the Year is presented to the member who goes above and beyond what a Key Clubber’s call to service is. This member works with their club, their divisions, and their Kiwanis Family, and the member truly demonstrates a passion for service. Only one Key Clubber, regardless of club level position (member to president) may receive this award. A student member of the Florida District Key Club Board must endorse the nominee. The nomination for this award may be disclosed to the nominee prior to announcing the winner at DCON.
Application Type: Must complete the Key Clubber of the Year Award application.
Deadline: March 7, 2020
Amount Awarded: $1000
Number Awarded:


The Rosen Scholarship

Description: The Rosen Scholarship was made possible by Harris Rosen’s passion for providing hope through educational opportunities.  He is the president and COO of Rosen Hotels & Resort, and education and wellness have long been at the forefront of Rosen’s philanthropic endeavors. He believes in giving back to the community and working hard to achieve any goal. These are characteristics our Key Clubbers can surely identify and attain.
Application Type:

General Application

•  Certification Document

Deadline: March 4, 2020
Amount Awarded: $1000
Number Awarded:


The George & Ann Langguth Scholarship (Florida Kiwanis Foundation)

Description: This is a multi-year scholarship given to an immediate family member of a current Kiwanis Member who exemplifies Kiwanis’ value of service. Recipient may be a high school senior or already in college. Not limited to Florida colleges and universities.
Application Type: The Foundation provides its own application. Click here for more information and the application.
Deadline: May 15, 2020
Amount Awarded: $1,000 per scholarship, may be awarded to a recipient up to a maximum of 4 consecutive years.
Number Awarded:


Nancy M. Liddell Scholarship (Brock Communications Foundation)

Description: This scholarship is for students having experience with neuro-muscular diseases such as MS, lupus and other similar diseases who show a genuine use for this aide in achieving a higher education.
Application Type: Requires a 1500 word essay and a one page maximum recommendation from an educator that speaks to readiness for college courses and workload. More information such as the essay prompt can be found at Materials should be emailed to
Deadline: TBA
Amount Awarded: $500

Southern Housing Scholarship Foundation

Description: Qualified students attending Florida A&M University, Florida Gulf Coast University, Florida State University, Santa Fe College, Tallahassee Community College, and University of Florida will be awarded scholarships in the form of rent-free housing to live in one of twenty-seven, furnished scholarship houses that are adjacent to their college campus.
Application Type: The foundation provides its own application. Click here for more information and the application.
Deadline: April 1, 2020
Amount Awarded: Rent free housing
Number Awarded:



Contact Scholarships Committee Chair Laura Sandoval at