Marjory Stoneman Douglas Fund

The Florida District has truly been rocked by the recent mass shooting that occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. As a Key Club District, as a family, and as a community, this tragedy hit close to home. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is home to a Key Club and thus we as Key Clubbers share a special bond. Many lives were forever changed that day, including those of two Key Clubbers who were victims of this terrible tragedy. Our District Administrator lost a dear family member that day, Coach Aaron Feis, who was gunned down while protecting those students he served.

The Florida District has been searching for ways to commemorate the lives of the seventeen victims that were lost. Many of you have reached out personally to me, asking if there is any way to be of assistance. In the weeks that followed, it became clear that service to others was at the heart of those who lost their lives. In dedication to those who were lost at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, the Parkland community, and the families affected, The Florida District has decided on a creation of a scholarship in honor of the victims to be titled “The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Memorial Fund.” To ensure that this fund lives on, the Florida Kiwanis Foundation in conjunction with the Florida District of Key Club will match up to $20,000 dollars. If at all possible, I would like to personally request that you make a donation to this cause by using the link following this short address. Your donation will allow us to always commemorate those who were lost, by ensuring the sustainability of this fund. If you are unable to donate, please try to pass on this message.

Donation Link: