
Gary J. Frechette

Gary Frechette


Gary Frechette is one of the nation’s premier motivational trainers and is the founder of Naturally High, a motivation and morale building concept. He earned his BA from Fort Lauderdale Business College and also holds degrees in criminal justice and public relations.

Gary has spent 40 years ascending from a police patrol officer to the rank of Chief of Police in the Palm Beach County, Florida, area. He went on to direct traditional security functions for several major retail organizations.
He is an accomplished and a sought-after speaker and consultant on leadership, teambuilding, and experiential learning. Gary has created a wide variety of facilitation, debriefing and teambuilding activities that have collectively changed the way trainers and educators work.

As a professional speaker and educator, Gary has delivered numerous keynotes and educational sessions at professional conferences, colleges, high schools, and corporations. He combines education and humor to bring a positive change in our thinking process.

His true inspiration comes from his over 30 years in Kiwanis. He has served in many capacities for the Florida District. He is Past Governor for the 2016-2017 year, and presently the Zone G Administrator for Florida Key Club District. His two favorite titles are “Chief” and “Mr. FUN.”

He is married to Maria and resides in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. He has five daughters, a stepdaughter and stepson, and 13 grandchildren.